Hannibal Lector Could Have Used Breathing Techniques
Dr. Hannibal Lector is a character that many of us were introduced to from the famed Silence of The Lamb movies. I’m not quite sure why, but he drew interest to many of us that watched the many movies. Now we can ask ourselves if there is a dark corner in our heads that causes us to be infatuated with the sadistic things that Dr. Lector did or is it mere genuine curiosity on our behalf? If you can recall, there was this natural calm with Hannibal Lector anytime he was confronted by any form of authority, that allowed him to dismiss the pressure that was being put before him. There were a few keys as to how he was able to maintain this calm demeanor and keep his way of thinking clear, even under the most extreme circumstances. We’ll talk about one major thing that may have been key to Dr. Lector being as calm and clear minded as he was . . . Breathing.
Different breathing techniques have been practiced for years all around the world and these techniques have given results with mindfulness as well as the effects of breathing with internal healing possibilities. As research has shown, breathing can have very positive and drastic effects on how one would function throughout their day. I also, can help with a better nights sleep and even enhance athletic ability. There is a sense of calm that comes over an individual when you are able to get your breathing techniques down to a daily routine. Breathing helps to increase energy. It is the most essential resource for the cells in your body and may actually be the most important resource for the body by far, followed by water. In addition, breathing helps to release muscle tension and calm the nervous system. With effects on the digestive system and even being a resource to maintaining youthful looks, breathing can make a world of a difference in our lives.
Whether you are a beginner breathing practitioner or advanced, these five breathing techniques can help improve your day to day functions and existence in life. Remember these are just a few of the many different types of breathing exercises that are able to be practiced for wellness of life and mindful functionality.
Guided Visualization. Weather it be with an app, a coach or recording, you are able to reach that happy place while focusing on positive images and pleasantries, replacing the negative thoughts. Guided visualization help to put you in the place you want to be, rather than letting your mind go to the internal dialogue that is stressful. I believe we saw Hannibal Lector execute this as he spoke of “a cell with a view,” as he kept his calm while speaking with Special Agent Clarice Starling.
Sama Vritti (Equal Breathing). This technique is similar to counting sheep. So if you are having a hard time falling asleep you can try this technique by simply inhaling for a count of four and exhaling for a count of four, all through the nose.
Abdominal Breathing Technique. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. This breathing technique will help to lower heart rate by attempting to achieve the goal of reaching six to ten slow deep breaths per minute for 10 minutes per day. Not only will you have immediate reductions to heart rate but also to blood pressure. This will create a tremendous difference in how you function and are able to mentally process thoughts and ideas throughout the day.
Nhadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing). Starting in a comfortable meditative pose, hold the right thumb over the right nostril and inhale deeply through the left nostril. When you peak your inhalation, close off the left nostril with the ring finger, then exhale through the right nostril. Continue the pattern, inhaling through the right nostril, closing it off with the right thumb and exhaling through the left nostril.
Progressive Relaxation. This technique can be done at home, at a desk or even on the road. If holding the breath ever feels uncomfortable, tone it down to just a few seconds at most. Remember, you should never do this to the point in which you get dizzy.
Now that we’ve covered five different breathing techniques, you may want to practice a few of them or possibly all of them to see which one works best for you. I’m sure one of the ways that Dr. Hannibal Lector was able to evade authorities and continue to stay one step ahead of the FBI was due to some calmness from breathing effectively. So what kind of breathing are you going to begin practicing to live your best and most productive life. We’d like to hear what works for you. Please share below.