Drinking Holistic Relaxation
You are what you eat. Many grew up hearing this phrase being said over and over again and yet the consumption of foods and beverages that were unhealthy didn’t slow down at all. In fact, the lack of knowledge of what you put into your body and how it affects your physical performance as well as your mental ability to think and process still goes overlooked by many. It’s pushed off as if it is a non-factor to ones aging and health. That is farthest from the truth. There are a few significant pointers that we are going to go over in this article that will hopefully help you realize that your body and brain are both similar to an expensive vehicle. They need to have premium foods and beverages so that they may perform and function at their highest potential.
Since about 95% of your serotonin is produced in your gastrointestinal tract, and your gastrointestinal tract is lined with a hundred million nerve cells, or neurons, it makes sense that the inner workings of your digestive system don’t just help you digest food and beverages, but also guide your emotions (Harvard — Nutritional Psychiatry).
Consuming Relaxation.
In the United States and many places around the globe individuals awake to a stressful environment in which they attempt to function as normal as possible. To do such, they attempt to exercise, have therapy sessions, take medications, supplements, etc. Some techniques and products are a preferred method over others for some, however, an answer to helping find more relaxation and reduced stressed in our day to day literally begins with what we start off consuming in the start of our day.
Ginseng — There are two main types of ginseng: Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng) and American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Studies have found that the different types have different benefits. In traditional Chinese medicine, American ginseng is considered less stimulating than the Asian variety. Ginseng shows superior regulation of stress, as compared with that shown by other adaptogens. This efficacy as an antistress agent has been demonstrated using various behavioral conditioned stress tests, such as swimming and immobilization tests. In vivo studies have also shown that ginseng has excellent anti-stress effects, as compared to appropriate controls (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5628357/#bib13). Ginseng is most commonly consumed as a beverage or in capsule form but is also used in soups and meals.
Lavender — There are five main types of lavender (English, Portuguese, French, Spanish, Lavandin) and the most commonly used in the United States is the English, also known as common lavender. During the Roman Empire, those of the distinguished class would add lavender to their bath water and would also carry bouquets of lavender in their clothes to ward off insects while emanating a soft and delicate aroma. It is also one of the most commonly used medicinal plants in cosmetics and aromatherapy. Lavender also provides a balancing and sedative effect on the central nervous system, which allows it to reduce anxiety, nervous irritability and stress. Serving, in addition, as an effective treatment for insomnia because it also promotes sleep, decreases motor activity and lengthens the duration of sleep so that you get a more natural and restful sleep (Medicinal Plants at Home: More Than 100 Easy, Practical, and Efficient Natural Remedies, MARIA LOPEZ, 2015)
Lemon Balm — Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family and is considered a relaxing nervine herb. It is very diverse and is able to be used as a tea or as an additive to ingredients for salads, marinades or rubs. By simply rubbing the oil between your fingers will help you reap some of the benefits of this herb. Researchers found the lemon balm reduced anxiety and related symptoms by as much as 18% and decreased insomnia by 42%. And they observed no adverse effects. In addition, lemon balm is also able to effectively increase GABA activity in the brain. Your brain uses the neurotransmitter GABA to prevent over-excitement and achieve balance. It helps keeps our stress levels low and plays a role in sleep (Lemon Balm & GABA ).
The plants listed above are just a few on a very long list that are able to naturally and organically help to remove anxiety and reduce stress. The foundation of modern day medicine begins with the many gifts that the earth provides us already. If you care not to use modern medicinal methods right away for ailments that you may be battling with, by all means give these holistic options a try. As much as a holistic approach is an option, be sure that it is discussed with your medical professional.