How Writing Helped Me Reach A Level Of Success

Walter M. Matthews
7 min readFeb 16, 2020


I started writing when I was a child around eight years of age. It was a way that I could allow myself to get away from the day-to-day activities whenever I didn’t want to play with my toys, go outside, or even deal with my siblings. It was a joyful one that I took great pride in. I went on to start speaking due to an organization that my mother and father enrolled me in and that helped to mold young minority men into literate lifters of the world. This organization also helped with oratorical skills as well as memorization along with many other skills such as leadership. I was excited, as this was one of the focuses of this organization, which was the start of my deep dive into writing and speaking. As a kid, I wasn’t aware that writing was going to lead me to where I am today, a place of peace, preparation, leadership, impact and the ability to help others because of the many experiences, certifications, and licenses that I have acquired. Writing for me is therapeutic and has helped me open up more ways to advance my business as well as my professional skill set. I’ve realized how much I have even made an impact on others because of sharing my experiences and knowledge.

A pen along with a notebook, pad of paper, laptop or even my phone is equivalent to the blank canvas that Leonardo would swipe his brush across to create marvelous pieces of artwork. My pen or laptop is the equivalent of the same paintbrush that Michelangelo or Donatello would use as they created wonderful masterpieces. And when all is said and done the piece itself is like a composition that Beethoven, Bach, or Mozart has put together that turns out to be classic and timeless. A literary piece that others reference to make statements in education or to bring understanding, to regenerate a new feeling in life at times. Whatever the impact that it has, as long as it is positive, the mission is generally accomplished.

Which writing techniques work for me and how? Take a look below and see if any have helped you or could be added to your techniques when it comes to writing and capturing your ideas on paper or your laptop.

Empty your jar.

So I have this phrase that I say when it comes to clearing your thoughts and that’s empty your jar. It is a technique and practice that I do whenever I’m trying to get all of the thoughts out of my head and down somewhere so that I can start reflecting. So I’ll carry around a pad of paper, a notebook my laptop, and even on my phone. I will document my feelings my thoughts my plans objectives and goals. This helps me to organize my day and stay productive in a more efficient manner. It’s a much more helpful tool than what I thought it would be initially but it also allows me to empty my head and not overcrowd it with ideals, thoughts or just pure emptiness. So that pen and paper, that computer or even an audio recording is a great way to empty that proverbial jar of ideas, thoughts, directions, and so forth and so on.

Teach lessons and learn some.

When I look back at many of my writings, I always find something that I didn’t recognize at the time of a situation or when I was going through a transition in life. The unique part about this is that many times those moments that I recognized have also become lessons learned in that very moment of realization of them. You can go on and take those same lessons and teach others by sharing those lessons In articles, through contributions online, in newspapers, and local newsletters and so forth. We should always understand that we are not the first to go through certain situations, however, we are experiencing the situation for the first time from our point of existence. That unique position in which you are experiencing something, that we are learning something, that we are teaching something or someone, can be a lesson to someone else that many may not understand the current moment in which they’re in. So by writing I contribute to lessons taught and lessons learned.

Your Vision is in your head . . . so write it down.

The greatest hard drive that retains the most important information is in your head. It holds every Triumph, every failure, every win, every disaster, every great idea that you could have fought at any point in your life. It is the first computer, the first hard drive. I is also a vault filled with words ideas and so much more. So many times when we are looking at advancing in life and not sure how to find direction, we just need to slow down and write. That hard drive, which we call our brains, has the map to guide us. So write it down and map it out so that you can visually see it? Many of us have heard of vision boards and many successful people are professionals utilize them to reach that level of success much faster than normal. The reason being is because of the clarity and path is put before you on a vision board so that you don’t have to deal with rifling through a large number of ideas. Everything that you want to accomplish or will accomplish is in your head. The vision is, literally, in your head and all you have to do is write it down.

The execution became easier.

I decided to start writing things down. I realized that executing many of the tasks and goals that I wanted to take on and accomplish within a day became much easier. It went from me being lost and staring off into space to going down this list and checking off each item as it was completed. What a relief. Who would have known that just writing down a list of items and looking at them while giving yourself a committed time to complete them would make writing much easier as well as clear your mind much faster. Did I mention that it made it even simpler? So as I focused on what I wanted to accomplish I realized how the execution became that much more simple and efficient. So I would suggest that you watch how easy it is to move forward with things you want to accomplish by simply writing things down. This is another way that writing helps me reach levels of success much faster and also makes it a tad bit easier but it still requires the work to be put in.

Time is your friend, so use it wisely.

What if every time you decided to do something, no matter what it is, you were given a dollar for completing it on time, a bonus for completing it early, or a penalty for completing it late or not at all? What if you are given a more valuable form of currency by doing those same things? You may be asking yourself or what currency is more valuable than money than gold, well it’s simple . . . TIME. Think about it time is the only thing of value that you cannot replace. You can’t buy more of it you can’t negotiate it with anyone. It simply depletes from your account of life. You can, however, manage it. One of the most effective ways of managing your time is by tracking things, by writing them down. Setting timers with tasks that you may take on so that you stay efficient while sticking to that timeline. These are ways to execute time management skills and abilities effectively. You hear the phrase time is completely true money. However time is more than money, it’s life, so use it wisely.

Writing is a great tool for putting yourself on the correct path to enhancing your ability to efficiently complete tasks as well as accomplish goals. It is a wonderful way to develop skills of effective communication that allows you to elevate to a more prominent position in your life. Develop yourself both personally and professionally through the process of writing. Allow it to be the therapy before needing therapy. You will be surprised at the results you get just by emptying your jar onto a platform of some sort.



Walter M. Matthews
Walter M. Matthews

Written by Walter M. Matthews

Walter, founder of Verdis Concepts, Solutions & Developments. He is a business consultant and holds a certification in Integrative Mental Health and Wellness.

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