New Year, New Decade

Walter M. Matthews
5 min readJan 4, 2020


New Year, New Decade

We’re at the beginning of a year but more importantly, we are at the beginning of a decade. For many, much has happened that has lead to either growth and gain or loss and pain. In many personal lives, there are moments in which we have to make decisions that at times may be easy and others may be difficult. No matter which way it has gone, focus on the evolution of yourself in the year and decade to come. The year 2020 has such a significance to one simple word … clarity. Think about it, we all hope to have 20/20 vision. Because having 20/20 vision means you can see things very clearly. That is perfect eyesight. This upcoming year represents what we all should seek, the perfect sight of our goals, which can be considered clarity. When you have clarity, you are able to accomplish things more efficiently and effectively. You find yourself in a position to drive your dreams into the reality and existence that you see yourself living and operating in. LIFE is Living In Full Execution mode at all times. You can not stop moving forward in life due to unfortunate events or misplaced efforts. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there will always be things happening in your favor because there will not. Some times you will fall, just be sure that you are falling forward and not backward. Even if you fall forward you are progressing. Below you’ll find several possible steps to help you walk into this new year and decade that can potentially be part of a solid foundation for growth.

Write Down Your Goals.

When you find yourself wanting to make changes from your usual routine and way of living, doing business or even socializing, it can be quite beneficial to document these goals and the steps you want to use to achieve them. There are many ways to capture these objectives and to hold yourself to a level of commitment and accountability. Being able to visually see both the long-term and short-term goals that you have set out to accomplish makes it more attainable, it becomes real to you because you see it daily. The different ways in which you can document those goals are in a journal, on your calendar, or a vision board. Figure out which way of keeping your goals in front of you works best and begin writing.

Get An Accountability Partner.

Things are always much easier to accomplish when you have a support person, hype man, accountability partner. Accountability partners are a great way of making it possible to accomplish the end goal of the journey. To have the dedication to be successful, coupled with someone making sure that you are finishing the steps toward that success gives you the feeling of true accomplishment. You don’t feel as if you are on the journey alone and it also reminds you that there is someone else that believes in what you are doing and allows you to have proper guidance along the way. That guidance isn’t necessarily someone with the expertise of what you’re attempting to accomplish (however, that’s never a bad idea to have someone with the expertise) but, to have someone that is going to keep you honest and on task. You don’t necessarily want to have a “yes man” as your accountability partner but you want to have someone that is going to call you out on your slacking while also uplifting you when you hit those very goals. Overall, accountability partners can make a major difference in your journey with accomplishing your goals.

Get Comfortable With Sacrifice.

A lot of people have ideas that they want to bring to light and make a reality that can become a life-changing business. With starting your own business, many times there is a hope to create financial freedom and that is very well possible with just about any business, if you are fully aware of what it takes. Many times the idea of what it takes versus the reality of it takes is not acknowledged. What exactly does that mean you might be asking yourself. Well, I’ll tell you. One word that comes in mind is sacrifice.

Sacrifice is one part of the “ugly” side of business that people don’t always talk about or exactly explain fully. Many times you’ll hear people talk about how they worked extremely hard for something. That they worked long hours and didn’t see their family much. Though these things sound brutal and such, and they are, it doesn’t fully explain to you what sacrifice really is. For instance, working 20 hours a day and sleeping only two hours so that you can make sure that things that you need to get accomplished are done effectively and efficiently for the betterment of the business. Research and discovery take a lot of time, effort and reading at times. This can be gruesome and not the most fun thing to do unless you’re into researching and studying. However, the more you mentally prepare yourself for sacrificing now for greater gain later, the better off you will be.

Take Time To Reflect & Breathe.

One of the most important habits that you could create for yourself is taking time for mindfulness activity. That can be anything from meditating to taking mindful walks and reflecting on your day or the task at hand. The overall objective of this type of activity is to be able to keep the clarity of mind, which should allow you to be more productive and effective in your task. There are other ways to practice mindfulness as well. For instance, working out at the gym, going for a run, reading a book, along with many other activities that may bring a sense of peace and clarity throughout your day. Journaling is another way of being mindful throughout the day or at the end of the day. This is a chance for you to look back on your day up until a certain point or overall if you do it before you choose to retire for the evening. It’s a great way to capture all of your thoughts but also, think about what you are hoping to take on the next day.

Remember, we have a new decade amongst us and it is great to have goals in place. It’s even greater to have steps in place to help you accomplish those goals more efficiently and effectively. Please share below, some of the things that you may do to accomplish task and goals that you have set out for yourself.



Walter M. Matthews
Walter M. Matthews

Written by Walter M. Matthews

Walter, founder of Verdis Concepts, Solutions & Developments. He is a business consultant and holds a certification in Integrative Mental Health and Wellness.

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